Moms In Motion

#28: Urinary Leakage - Common in the Motherhood Population, but it's NOT Normal!

May 20, 2024 Krista Williams & Jenn Perna

Moms, if you pee your pants when you jump, run, lift heavy, sneeze, or cough - this episode is for you! Yes, even if it's only sometimes, and yes, even if it's 'only a little bit,' you need to fully understand how and why this might be happening, and why waiting to get help is not the answer. Even if this has never been an issue for you  - education for the 'if and when' is really important! Be sure to share this episode with a friend and let's work together to keep everyone's underwear dry, and so we can wear colored leggings!

We will have 3 different types of episodes and one will drop each week on Mondays!

  1. Movement and education
  2. Mom life struggles and experiences
  3. Business ownership

Take us for a walk, listen while you tackle some chores, or let us join you as you hustle your crew around town! Be sure to follow this podcast, share it with some mom friends, and let us know what you want to hear us chat about by connecting with us!

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